Term Work

The Graduate Faculty in English has set the following deadlines for the completion of term work in graduate courses:

  • January l for Fall half-courses;
  • May 1 for Fall-Winter full courses and for Winter half-courses;
  • September 1 for Summer courses.

Any instructor is entitled to set a deadline prior to those established by the Graduate Faculty in English, and it will have the same force and carry the same penalty as the Department deadline.

Any student who has not submitted all required work by the deadline will receive an F in the course, and his or her registration in subsequent graduate courses (i.e., progression in the program) will be subject to review by the Committee on Graduate Studies. Exceptions to this rule will be made only on medical or compassionate grounds that are established to the satisfaction of the Committee on Graduate Studies. Those intending to ask for extensions on such grounds should do so at least a week before the deadline.